Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mud Football

Alright so I figured I would catch up on the big events from last semester, which was a blast by the way! So I'd have to say by far the biggest was MUD FOOTBALL! So a while back Brett came up with the idea of going down to his family's farm, flooding the field, and then to have a big muddy football game down there. Props for the idea Brett! So we basically turned it into an unofficial ward event, rounded everybody up and headed down to the farm one sunny Saturday morning. At first we were worried there wasn't going to be enough mud to go around...(by looking at the pictures that obviously wasn't the case) After stripping down a bit and going at it for a while the game turned into a big throw down match, like those fights you remember from Junior High (two people in the middle with everybody else egging them on). By the time things were done we were mudded to the max and had to wash off in the pump. It was FREEZING cold water! It wasn't toO easy to wash off either, I had dirt in my ears for about the next week, even after a dozen Q-tips. Still hasn't come out of the clothes though... or the car...

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