Monday, February 16, 2009

Chuck, Bowling, and our Not-So Devastating Loss

Okay "gente" (that's what we call everybody who's listening in Portuguese, or it can just mean the good people). So quite a few random things occurred this week, all of which are worth mentioning. I did take a big grammar test for Management Communication, so hopefully you'll notice that my grammar is a wee bit better than normal.

We'll start with Chuck our beloved fish. A couple of weeks ago-ish, a handsome looking fish mysteriously showed up at our doorstep. When we opened the door, he was innocently floating there in his azul-colored fish bowl. We couldn't believe someone would just abondon him there like that, so we had to take him in. Fortunately, the atrocious abandoners left what little food they had left to help support Chuck. This most surely was an attempt to ease the burden of their guilt. Apparently they just didn't have what it takes to take care of the guy. Moving on, we had a great week or two with Chuck. He loved watching ESPN with us and wasn't ever annoying. Sadly, after one cleaning of the fish bowl we couldn't take it anymore and the chore of feeding him every day became almost unbearable. We would have put up with it, as to not lower ourselves to the anonimous donor's level, but we realized it was against Liberty Square Management's rules. Being such obedient individuals as well as law-abiding citizens, we were forced to solve the sensitive situation. I deposited Chuck in the toilet and Stew flushed. If we go to hell at least we'll be there together. It was tough but in the end I know we did the better thing.

Sports Center:
Okay this week was a good one in Provo's world of sports. Tuesday we had our Liberty Square Championship game. Unfortunately it didn't quite go as planned. When we got there we found ourselves in a little bit of a mismatch, and we just couldn't quite pull off the upset. We played against a bunch of cocky "safados" with very low IQ's. In the end they won, but little did they know we came out with the real prize. So they may have won the 100 dollar prize divided by ten people, but we got a free large pizza each...much better deal! We actually meant to lose. Oh, and by the way, the meat-lover's pizza was to-die-for. Although we ended up as the runner-up we're still making fame with our picture in the Liberty Square Office. You should all check it out sometime. Basketball on the other hand was a big success. Saturday morning at 9 in the morning we showed up a stuck it to them. Only six of our players showed up, but that turned out to be perfect. We rarely had to sit out, and when we did we wanted to. After the beat down was over the score was 63-33. Good work team!

Okay Bowling was great! We'll have to talk about that one later.


  1. Poor Chuck! I really hope you don't go to hell for that one.

  2. First of all, I am so proud of you for your grammar. I didn't see one mistake. Actually... check out that second to last sentence. ;)

    Second of all, did you boys really flush that poor fish down the toilet because it was against the rules? Or was that justification for a good laugh? Watch it. You might be going to hell.

    And finally, thanks for the DQ invite the other night. It was good to catch up.
